Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mission & Vision (Blog 8)

Mission & Vision

            Last week in class we discussed what a personal mission and vision statement was. We started off class by viewing various mission and vision statements of top brand Airlines such as Southwest and then we looked at a few chain fast food mission and visions, McDonalds. We concluded class by creating our own mission and vision, along with hearing our teacher’s and TA’s personal statements.
Mission Statement
            A personal mission statement is basically the reflection of your personal purpose and core values for your life. Mission statements are important because they provide an individual or business with a place to reference around the values made in their mission statement when decision-making is needed. It also provides clarification for what is important to that person. In an organization setting, the mission statement allows the followers or group members a foundation in what is expected or what they movement and purpose the organization is all about. I can relate to two mission statements from campus organizations I am involved with:

CRU at UA Mission Statement:

“Follow Jesus, love people & seek the good of the U of A.”

Arizona Blue Chip Program Mission Statement:

“To build leaders who make a difference!”

Through CRU I am living our mission statement by participating in my community group meetings every Tuesday and Weekly Meetings every Wednesday. I am also applying to be a leader in CRU for the 2011-2012 academic year.  I love through the Blue Chip Mission as I continue to learn and grow through Phase 1 and continue to strive for leadership as I continue through to phase two.

My Personal Mission Statement:

“To not dwell in the here & now
but strive for a brighter future….
Learning from my mistakes,
            and growing from them. “

Vision Statement
            A personal vision statement is having a future picture of an organization or cause, having a vision is having the end in sight. A great example for why a vision statement is important was given in our Blue Print on page 107. It states: “A leader’s challenge is to stay focused on the future while allowing the plan to be flexible enough for change to occur.”  I can relate to the vision of CRU, which is basically to provide an opportunity for non-believers to hear and gather in fellowship around the word of Jesus Christ. I am living the vision of expanding across the U of A by applying to become a leader and always willingly sharing my experience with new members of CRU as well as with people who have never been associated with CRU.

My Personal Vision Statement:

I envision a world in which is loving and accepting of all living organisms.  What I will contribute to move us toward the world I envision is dedication to my studies and world around me. Through obtaining my degree in Environmental Science and Policy I will be another step closer to my overall vision, dedicating my life’s work to informing and making aware the issues that face our planet.

            In conclusion, the importance of a clear vision and mission statement informs many people what an organization or individual is passionate about and what goal they are trying to initiate. 

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